Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will be the cost and time of software development for MLM software?

    The cost and time of software development largely depends on the client requirements. If the software includes a binary, level or matrix plan with 2-3 types of income distribution, the estimated cost is approximately $500-$600. However, if the project involves customized logic for income distribution or complex workflows, such as a deposit payment gateway or Web3 integration or multiple income, additional costs will apply.

  • Is support included with the purchase of the software?

    Yes, six months of support are included at no additional cost with the purchase of the software. If you require additional support beyond this period, it will be available at an extra charge based on the complexity of your business needs and the time required by our technical team.

  • Will errors or bugs be fixed free of charge?

    Yes, any errors or bugs will be fixed at no additional charge.

  • How are custom modifications and updates handled?

    Custom modifications and updates to the existing software are available but will incur additional costs. These costs depend on the complexity of the changes and the time required by our technical team.

  • Is the software responsive and user-friendly?

    Yes, our software is fully responsive, fast and easy to use. It works seamlessly on both mobile devices and tablets to ensuring accessibility on the go. The software features a rich UI design and provides informative widgets that are customized to meet the specific needs of our customers.

  • What technologies is the MLM software built on and where is it hosted?

    The MLM software is developed using PHP (version 8.3) and Laravel (version 11), with MySQL 8 as the database backend. It is hosted on a VPS server (minimum) equipped with 1 vCPU core, 4GB RAM, 50GB NVMe disk storage, and 4TB of monthly bandwidth. We regularly upgrade the software to ensure optimal performance and keep it up to date with the latest advancements.

  • What features can be managed from the admin side of the MLM software?

    The admin side of our MLM software provides extensive control over various features, including application settings, financial settings, package management, business plan configurations, database backup and reset options and the ability to incorporate custom code.

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